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Thank you for contacting Cablelynx!

Mother with her child in the garden

Our Promise

Making your life better is our priority.

In every interaction, your smile is what we’re after.

Because our goal is to make each customer’s life better.

You might say we’re eager—eager to make a difference and eager to make your experience the best.

We want to have a positive, joyful impact in your life.

When we work together to make your life better, we all become something bigger than ourselves.

That’s why making your life better is our priority.

Vintage ad for Longview Cable TV
Family walking down a road

Our Values

Put community first

We’re engaged in a love affair with the community.

We support the people in our community, we’re part of the community, and we invest in the community.

What happens in the community is personal to us.

We take pride in delivering a product that ties the people in our community together.
Our community provides the key reason for our existence—and for that reason,
we put community first.

Keep it personal

We build relationships with our customers.

It’s a huge thing that we have local faces and offices where people can talk to us. Where they can share their stories and talk about the things that are important to them. And where we can take the time to help them.

We’re empathetic. Your problem is our problem.

When it’s called for, we’ve even been known to share our cell phone numbers with our customers.

At Cablelynx, we keep it personal.

Be a good neighbor

What does it mean to be a good neighbor?

Friendly? Check.

Just stop by our office to get a healthy dose of friendly.

Respectful? Check.

We respect your time, your home, the things you need to do—and all the things that make you who you are.

Responsive? Check.

We’re always there for you. If you come to us with a problem, we won’t put you off to the side. Your problem will be addressed.

At this company, we try to be the people you’d want to live next door to—we show what it means to be a good neighbor.

Lean into our legacy of support

In the beginning…

Cablelynx brought the community something they’d never had before—their first TV channels.

Then we brought them the internet.

When COVID was ravaging our communities, we were there to ensure low-cost internet was available.

Some people think of us as Old Faithful—and it’s not a bad comparison.

We’ll always be there. Always have been and always will be.

When our community is in need, we lean into our legacy of support.

Create Opportunity

We’re in the business of creating opportunities:

For local businesses: We create the opportunity to be successful, grow your business, and connect with the community.

For local residents: We create the opportunity to live here, stay connected, and have reliable internet.

For employees: We create the opportunity to make a living, to grow and be successful, and to make an impact.

At Cablelynx, we create opportunity.

Vintage photo of Longview Cable TV
Vintage photo of Longview Cable TV

Our Story

Together, we make things better for everyone in our community. That’s something worth being a part of.

Hey there, customer.

If you’ve been around for a while, you probably remember a time when no TV signal could reach our remote rural areas—and we’re not talking about the early days of television. We mean as recently as the 1990s.

Same thing with the internet.

And nobody was doing a thing about it…certainly not the big national companies. It wasn’t considered financially viable. (They like to use language like that.)

Then came Cablelynx.

When the value of people and communities becomes more important than the value of this quarter’s stock prices—different decisions get made.

We were there to help you make your first connections. We’re still here to help make your life better.

Making your life better is important—because what happens in the community is personal to us. We’re all about building good relationships.

Cablelynx has a defined legacy of supporting our communities. From bringing the first TV channels and the internet to our rural areas to providing low-cost service during the COVID pandemic and helping rebuild in the aftermath of natural disasters.

Today, we offer some of the fastest internet service that technology allows because we know how important it is to have strong connections.

We have local offices where friendly help is easy to find because, well, we think that’s another kind of strong connection.

The story we tell is about people working together. To help each other and do big things. To build human connections that are meaningful. These are the values that stand the test of time.

That’s why we’re here—to make life better for the people in our communities.

Bottom line:

Together, we can do more. We can be bigger than ourselves—and make things better for everyone in our community. That’s something worth being a part of.

A member of our team will be with your shortly.

Thank you for contacting Cablelynx!

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